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plaza gran victoria


Cliente: Private


En un solar previamnete impactado por un edificio residencial se erige este proyecto residencial de bajo costo para envejecientes. El mismo se desarrolló para acoplarse al angosto terreno aprovechando cada porcion del mismo que en forma de "L". El mismo alberga 98 apartamentos tipo studio con areas de reunion en cada piso así como un gran salon de actividades en la azotea el cual domina todas las vistas del area.


In a site previously impacted by a residential building, this low-cost residential project is erected for the elderly. The 9-story structure was developed to fit the narrow terrain by taking advantage of each portion of the lot as an "L". A peaceful garden provides outdoor space for relaxation and reading. The building houses 98 studio apartments with meeting areas on each floor as well as a large rooftop activity lounge which overlooks all the views of the area.

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